Ruska vojska dobija balističke rakete RS26 Rubež Russian Army acquires ballistic missiles RS26 Rubez

Описание к видео Ruska vojska dobija balističke rakete RS26 Rubež Russian Army acquires ballistic missiles RS26 Rubez

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The development of the RS-26 "Rubezh" mobile missile system is almost complete. The tests of this rocket, which were carried out in the period from 2011 to 2015, were considered quite successful.
The launches of this rocket were carried out from the Kapustin Yar range, which is located in the northeastern part of the Astrakhan region of Russia.
The strikes on targets with this missile took place at the Sari-Shagan training ground leased by the Ministry of Defense of Russia, a distance of about 2,100 km, located west of Lake Balkhash in the Betpak-Dala steppe in the territories of the Karaganda and Zhambyl regions of Kazakhstan.
At the time, the Americans were outraged that such launches allegedly violated the INF Treaty, or the Treaty on Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces, 500 to 5,500 kilometers. However, according to Russian sources, they kept quiet that the range of the RS-26 Rubezh missile system exceeds 6,000 km and corresponds to intercontinental-range strategic missiles, not medium-range missiles.
After the Russian Federation shut down these programs, the US unilaterally withdrew from the INF Treaty in 2019.
Razvoj mobilnog raketnog sistema RS-26 “Rubež” je skoro završen. Testovi ove rakete, koji su sprovedeni u preiodu od 2011. do 2015. godine i smatrani su prilično uspešnim.
Lansiranja ove rakete su obavljena sa poligona Kapustin Jar, koji se nalazi u severoistočnom delu Astrahanske oblasti Rusije.
Udar u mete ovom raktom su se desili na poligonu Sari-Šagan koji je zakupilo Ministarstvo odbrane Rusije, udaljenosti oko 2100 km, a nalazi se zapadno od jezera Balhaš u stepi Betpak-Dala na teritorijama regiona Karaganda i Žambil Kazahstana.
Amerikanci su tada bili ogorčeni što su takva lansiranja navodno prekršila INF Sporazum odnosno Ugovor o nuklearnim snagama srednjeg dometa, 500 do 5500 kilometara. Međutim, prema ruskim izvorima, prećutali su da domet raketnog sistema RS-26 Rubež prelazi 6.000 km i da odgovara strateškim raketama interkontinentalnog dometa, a ne raketama srednjeg dometa.
Nakon što je Ruska Federacija zatvorila ove programe, SAD su se jednostrano povukle iz INF ugovora 2019. godine.


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