Save Money on Your Office Build-Out by Going Wireless (Wireless v. Data Cabling)

Описание к видео Save Money on Your Office Build-Out by Going Wireless (Wireless v. Data Cabling)

At AQUILA, our project management team is always looking for ways to save our clients money on their office build-out.

But once the project is underway, it can be difficult to find ways to cut down costs. Sometimes there’s just no wiggle room on the construction plan, but more often, it’s difficult to remove or revise aspects of the design, once a client has fallen in love with it.

Luckily, our project managers have found an easy solution to value engineer your office build-out, without sacrificing high quality finishes, employee-friendly amenities or anything else you may love about your office design.

In this article, AQUILA's Dustin Hogzett will explain how you can save thousands of dollars on your office build-out by switching from standard data cabling to a wireless office network.

Save Money on Your Office Finish-Out by Going Wireless (Wireless v. Data Cabling):

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