Pt.2 | How to setup a base dirt layer for new aquascape | jungle style scape | walstad method

Описание к видео Pt.2 | How to setup a base dirt layer for new aquascape | jungle style scape | walstad method

Hello everyone! We are going to setup a a dirt layer of substrate for our new aquascape. in the previous video we took down the aquascape from our 2 feet dirted tank for guppies. Now in order to rescape it we are going to make a nutrient rich base substrate layer from topsoil and vermicompost.
watch the video till the end to understand the process. also if you like these kind of video content make sure to like, subscribe and share.
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Thank you!
Happy fish Keeping !!!!

Credits for the background music used :

'Snowfall' by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0.

#aquascape #aquascaping #walstadmethod #plantedaquarium #plantedtank #guppy #shrimptank #fishkeeping


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