The 6 Types of Cosmic Connections – We Don’t Meet Anyone by Accident

Описание к видео The 6 Types of Cosmic Connections – We Don’t Meet Anyone by Accident

There are 6 types of cosmic connections that can happen in your life, and each one for a particular reason.

When we talk about connections, the reactions that people can have are, of course, the most diverse. For someone, they are just random, while for others behind every event, such as meeting with a person, a message is hidden.

All our experiences lead us, to the place to which we are destined. When we meet a person, it brings new knowledge, synchronicity takes place.

In this video we discus about 6 types of connections you might experience during your life and the message each one brings.

Based on the article by Spiritualify:

Recommended Book for You, Purpose Driven Life:

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