When things don't go as planned - Paris, remodeling, and visa woes

Описание к видео When things don't go as planned - Paris, remodeling, and visa woes

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Check out my recent main bath vintage floors video here:    • My vintage floors makeover: Was it wo...  

You can find Valerie, our amazing consultant for our working visas, here: https://www.startbusinessinfrance.com/

And here's where you can follow me on Instagram:   / an.artists.life  

Thanks as always for watching and for your valued and immense support!

With much love and gratitude,
Cecilia :)

Renovating a home in the French countryside has been a dream come true, but it’s not without its challenges. In my latest video, I take you along on my journey of working on completing two rooms upstairs and creating an entire main bath, a process that has been riddled with delays and frustrations.

From shower door that won't fit to furniture that never arrived, every step seemed to come with its own set of hurdles. On top of that, navigating the intricacies of visa renewals has been its own stressor.

In the midst of all this, I escaped to Paris, hoping to recharge and find treasures at local brocantes, but instead, I came back empty-handed and feeling more discouraged than ever.

To cope with it all, I turned to my trusted creative outlet: painting. After some meditation and sitting with my emotions, I channeled my energy into creating small, meaningful artworks for the rooms I’m working on. It was a therapeutic process that helped me find balance and renewed determination to move forward.

This video isn’t just about home projects, it’s about the messy, unpredictable journey of life and the ways we can use creativity and reflection to work through our upsets. I hope my story inspires you to embrace your own challenges and discover what keeps you grounded in difficult moments.

#FrenchCountryside #HomeRenovation #DreamHome #RenovationJourney #MainBathRemodel #DIYProjects #CreativeOutlet #HomeDecor #CountrysideLiving #FrenchLife #PaintingTherapy #OvercomingChallenges #MeditationPractice #BrocanteTreasureHunt #VisaRenewal #LifeUpsAndDowns #RoomMakeover #ShowerDoorFail #FurnitureDelays #CreativityHealing #FindingBalance #HomeImprovement #RusticCharm #PersonalGrowth #EmotionalWellness #CountrysideHome #ArtAndHealing #RenovationStruggles #CreativeInspiration #UnpluggingInParis #LifeReflections


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