超智能足球 重啟 GGO Football – Reboot 「第十屆動畫支援計劃」The 10th Animation Support Program

Описание к видео 超智能足球 重啟 GGO Football – Reboot 「第十屆動畫支援計劃」The 10th Animation Support Program

「第十屆動畫支援計劃」小型企業 (進階製作) The 10th Animation Support Program Tier 3 (Small Animation Enterprises with advanced productions)
動畫企業: 萬奇(國際)科技有限公司
Animation Enterprise: Vanch (International) Technology Company Limited
動畫名稱: 超智能足球 - 重啟
Animation Title: GGO Football – Reboot

作品簡介: 是次作品是《超智能足球》系列的電影序章,是電視版第二季故事的後續。主要講述高迅和「超智能足球員」潛龍合力阻止史坦尼博士利用超智能足球技術征服世界的陰謀。為此,潛龍不得不執行終止程式,最終導致自我毀滅。某日系統重啟,潛龍重生歸來,面對昔日的好友,卻全無印象。而陰謀似乎也仍在進行中……

Synopsis: The work is the film prologue to the TV series of GGO Football, which follows the story in season two. It mainly tells of Isaac and GGO player Myth working together to stop Dr Stan from using GGO technology to conquer the world. To accomplish this task, Myth has to go through the termination procedure, which eventually leads to his self-destruction. One day, the system reboots and Myth is reborn... When he meets his former friends, he has no impression at all. But the conspiracy is still being carried out ...


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