Coke Oven March - Nora Brown

Описание к видео Coke Oven March - Nora Brown

A version of Coke Oven March - sourced from Dock Boggs with some influence from Clifton Hicks. Played in Brooklyn, NY Feb. 5, 2021
For booking: Chris Colbourn [email protected]

Here's some Coke Oven info from the web: Generally, the coke ovens found in the Cumberland region were used to convert the bituminous coal mined in the local mountains into industrial coke, a relatively clean-burning fuel used in the smelting of iron ore.

Coke Oven March is a Dock original in standard D tuning, the title undoubtedly dating back to his days as a miner. Mike Seeger notes that Dock wrote this in the mid-1920s, "based on a friend's old wind-up music box." Though, Dock may be starting this out with an inside forward roll, I believe he also may be doubling his thumb, as indicated in the tab-your choice. For the G and A chords I barre with my left hand index finger. The parenthetical numbers in Part B indicate harmonics. - Tony Trischka Banjo Newsletter
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