Red Devil Cichlid Care Guide

Описание к видео Red Devil Cichlid Care Guide

Red Devil cichlids are heavy feeders and mine love these hikari large sticks. I use these as a staple food and feed treats in between.

All about the red devil Cichlid. Taking care of them is pretty easy with a large aquarium.

So. From a post awhile ago. I had a very aggressive angel fish. And I thought to myself today. Enough is enough. He can't be happy living in the tank divided off from every one. So I messaged my lfs that I use and Wow they said if he is in good shape I would get small store credit. Or. I have another person interested in trading me for one of there angel fish. Hmmmmmm what to do what to do. First pic is the lfs message. Next three are of my beautiful guy. And The last picture is what a fellow fish person is willing to trade me for. What to do what to do. (The fourth flash pics the spots that looks like are on his body. Are just spots that reflected off my tank. He is so beautiful I have never seen fins that nice on a angel. )

Red Devil Cichlid Care is fun! Someone was super happy to see me today when I visited my LFS for the first time in weeks. I supply them with free MTS for their puffer (not for sale) he kept looking at the bag and going nuts lol.

I would too! Sounds a little steep! I would offer half if u can afford it. I got my 180 used tank wood top and stand with a wet dry and pump 750 buck plus 30 % off. I had to buy it. It was barely used. The age would Not matter to me. Thinks like;
Scratches in the glass.
Does the stand need refinishing, as salt can do a number on wood finishes.
Does the tank hold water.
Electrical equipment is always suspect in used salt systems as salt creep is deadly to pumps.
And lastly: How much dobyou like/Love it?

Well pump doent matter much as you'd probably want to get a newer one which would be more power efficient. Lool at Dolphin pumps if you donget it and decide to replace the pump in the figure at somepoint.

Got the new tank set up and cycling for 48 hours now...will be checking the parameters on my break from work...Magic moment so cant wait!!! If all is good I will be putting my fish in tonight after work!!! WOOT so cant wait!!

All of my breeder males!
1. OB euro ruby red
2. Blue dragon blood
3. Albino red empress
4. OB Fryeri
What do think of them?

Do guppies typically stay at the top?
If so does that technically give me more "tank space"?
I have about 20 guppies 2 von rios & 1 danio!
I'm asking bc I want 2 or more von rios & about 5 more danios!
Also, my tank is PLAIN any ideas
(50 gal hex)

I have a banded leporinus with my african cichlids now for a year and yesterday i saw him take a bite out of a newer female that had been added to the tank on her eye. I put her in a timeout box just to help up a bit and her eyeball swelled up when i came home this morning. Will she release any dirty infected parasites into the tank or should i transfer her to a different tank? Alright I'm back, I bought the API Kit and these are my results for my effected 20 gallon.
pH: 7.4
Ammonia: 0-0.25 ppm
Nitrites: 0 ppm
Nitrates: 0 ppm
I know the 0 Nitrates aren't good, but how to I bump that up without killing off my fish with Ammonia?

Yeah the 30 second shake won't work if it's been sitting for any length of time (as in new lol) There are actually crystals in the liquid that need to be broken up. Hit the edges of bottle against hard surface, shake and repeat.

What kind of fish? Usually I just let the cycle run out. Has it been stocked since Xmas? Did something happen to kill off the beneficial bacteria? When you change it out do you run the new media with the old media for a couple weeks before you toss it? If not that's where you lose your cycle.


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