Code Lyoko DS - Walkthrough #18

Описание к видео Code Lyoko DS - Walkthrough #18

Aelita is having a bad dream last night and her vision was there are three Men in Black in the Hermitage. Meanwhile, Sissi talks to Aelita what happened last night, Aelita explain to Sissi that her scream is wake Sissi up. She completely agreed to understand that to she was freaking out all night. Aelita walks out and tells Yumi and William about her terrified dream, Yumi tells Aelita how are she and Aelita says she's okay William talks to Aelita about her dream and Aelita tells them that she was having a nightmare. Aelita walks off and tell Odd, Ulrich and Jeremy. Jeremy tells Aelita how she feeling okay and Aelita says she's feeling okay, she explain to them that her vision is Men in Black in the Hermitage that it made her terrified, Ulrich tells Aelita to go back to the Hermitage, but Jeremy won't let Aelita go to the Hermitage and he tell them about last time, Aelita was there and she fainted and he tell Aelita to stay away from the Hermitage. Aelita is agreed to understand, but she must go to the Hermitage. Aelita is arrived to the Hermitage by herself, she walks in and entering the abandoned house. Aelita walks in the dining room and found the Fireplace. Her vision is Franz Hopper playing the piano, she walks the dining room and she walks upstairs to go to her room and she found the window in her room. Her vision is Aelita saw Men in Black in the window, she begins to terrified, she runs out her room and she ran downstairs and she spotted by three Men in Black. Aelita must run away from them and Men in Black is going to chase Aelita, she hurriedly runs outside to the garden and she found the way out.


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