港鐵港島線全程 MTR Island Line

Описание к видео 港鐵港島線全程 MTR Island Line

This is a video of me riding the entire length of the MTR Island Line (港鐵港島線) in Hong Kong. The ride is mostly underground, only going above ground from Heng Fa Chuen. The line begins from Sheung Wan (上環) and ends at Chai Wan (柴灣). The line passes through the following stations: Central (中環), Admiralty (金鐘), Wanchai (灣仔), Causeway Bay (銅鑼灣), Tin Hau (天后), Fortress Hill (砲台山), North Point (北角), Quarry Bay (鰂魚涌), Tai Koo (太古), Sai Wan Ho (西灣河), Shau Kei Wan (筲箕灣), Heng Fa Chuen (杏花邨).


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