Diy - Artesanato - Spider made foil paper - Aranha com papel alumínio! - Artesanato pouco conhecido.

Описание к видео Diy - Artesanato - Spider made foil paper - Aranha com papel alumínio! - Artesanato pouco conhecido.

Artesanato para fazer com as crianças! Super divertido.
Só usa papel de alumínio e tesoura!
Tire as crianças do computador e vamos descansar a mente!

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Crafts to do with the kids! Super funny.
Just use aluminum foil and scissors!
Get the kids off the computer and let's rest our minds!

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You tube take it to more people! You can't imagine how gratifying it is to see the numbers of subscribers, likes, views and comments grow!


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