Rutherford lies to cement his complete control over Watchtower

Описание к видео Rutherford lies to cement his complete control over Watchtower

Find out how Joseph Rutherford illegally took complete control over the Watchtower organization in 1917. Once he became the President he then also becomes the Faithful Slave, leader of the Bible Students who became known as Jehovah's Witnesses under his presidency

Once Joseph Rutherford became the President of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society he completely changed things. From how the business was ran to the many doctrinal changes Jehovah's Witnesses now believe as Bible truths from God.

I hope you enjoy the video.

I was born and raised as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. My parents met while serving under Nathan Knorr in the late 50's through the mid 60's. They knew four of the seven people that were in prison with Rutherford in 1918. But the history they were told had been whitewashed. That's the history I grew up listening to. Maybe that's the reason I'm so fascinated in the real history of the organization and Jehovah's Witnesses. Because it's so different from the organizations white washed version.

Persons mentioned in this video:
Charles T Russell - Founder and President of the WTBS and People's Pulpit Assoc., as well as leader of the Bible Students
Joseph Rutherford - Society/Organizations attorney and People's Pulpit Assoc. Board member
Alexander MacMillan - Brooklyn Bethel member
Paul Johnson - Bible Student
Alfred Ritchie - Vice President and board member Peoples Pulpit Assoc.
William Van Amburgh - Secretary/Treasurer board member Peoples
Francis McGee assistant to the Attorney General in Pittsburgh

Watchtower Bible and Tract Society publications:
Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom
1973, 1975, 1979 , 2017 Yearbooks
The Watch Tower - Dec 1916
Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Divine Purpose
**** Please note: If you are unable to find the publications on the JW website or obtain a personal copy please go to this website:

Epiphany Studies in the Scriptures, vol.10 - Paul Johnson
Light after Darkness a Message to the Watchers, Being a refutation of “Harvest Siftings” - J.D. Wright, A.I. Richie, I.F. Hoskins and R.H. Hirsh
Harvest Siftings - Joseph Rutherford
Harvest Siftings Reviewed - Paul Johnson
Harvest Siftings II - Joseph Rutherford
Another Harvest Siftings Reviewed - Paul Johnson
30 years a Watchtower Slave - William Schnell
Faith on the March - A.H. Macmillan
Crisis of Conscience - Raymond Franz
Rutherford’s Coup - Rud Persson

Stock footage credit -
Images - WBTS


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