Warframe Maximum Investment Build Update - Sevagoth Prime / Sevagoth Prime's Shadow | Warframe: 1999

Описание к видео Warframe Maximum Investment Build Update - Sevagoth Prime / Sevagoth Prime's Shadow | Warframe: 1999

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Wellcome sit down and please take out your notebooks and let us begin because there are many moving parts in this build. First, let's start with Sevagoth himself Shards are more for his Shadow so if you use only Seva himself you can change them. Second, why nourish - I like energy, that is all, you can use other subsumes but I like that I can nuke, buff, and use shadow all in the same build. Third, the Sow and Reap combo has infinite scaling meaning it one-shots even level cap.

Now let's move to his Shadow and why you may want to use it. It's a second health bad and if you go down while in his shadow you get a get-out-of-jail-free card, furthermore, Shadow is as good at nuking as Seva because if you have both Shadow Haze and Dark Propagation augments on Seva they make Death's Harvest act as both Sow and Reap in one ability, meaning that if you stay in Shadow you both nuke and are out of any danger.

Lastly if somehow both Seva and Shadow do not have enough health bars for you we can go and look at our companion that can health gate for us if we use a melee weapon, which we already do if we play as Shadow meaning that at minimum we have to go through 4 health bars for use to go down and even if that happens somehow we have the passive that has again infinite scaling and can self revive us.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


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