HOW TO PACKAGE AND SHIP ART - Supplies, Broker, Cost, Shipping services

Описание к видео HOW TO PACKAGE AND SHIP ART - Supplies, Broker, Cost, Shipping services

This video is all about how I package and ship art. I know when I first starting selling art trying to figure how to ship art was a nightmare. Where do I buy my shipping supplies, do I include my cost for shipping in the price of my artwork? How do I know how much shipping is going to cost if I haven't sold the painting yet? Since I like to paint really large artwork, that poses a whole other challenge, especially when shipping overseas. Here in this video, I'm going to share with you how I set my shipping prices for international and North America, as well as, what shipping companies I like to use. I'm going to share how I was able to figure out a fair price for shipping for buyers when I don't even know where those buyers live yet.

All my shipping supplies are purchased from ULINE CANADA.
Glassine paper -
Bubble wrap - 1/2 non-perforated rolls
Edge Protectors -

My Shipping Broker is through -

My website -
My Instagram -   / lorimirabelli  

#shippingart #shippingpaintings #marketingyourart #Howtosellart #Arttips


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