ML Vasanthakumari- Brochevarevarura- Khamas- Adi- Mysore Vasudevacharya

Описание к видео ML Vasanthakumari- Brochevarevarura- Khamas- Adi- Mysore Vasudevacharya


brOcEvArevarurA (who will save)ninu vina (other than you)raghuvara (descendent of raghu - rAma in this case)nanu (me)Who will save me other than you Oh descendent of Raghu.


O caturAna Adi vandita (Oh, the one who is worshipped by brahma and others)catura + Anana (the one with four faces = brahma)Adi (starting from or others)vandita (worshipped)neeku (to you)parAkElanayya (parAku Elanu ayya = why aloofness, oh father)"ayyaa" literally means father, but is used to address a male in generalOh, the one who is worshipped by great ones starting from brahma, why are you so aloof? You are the only one who can save me. If you yourself nee (your) caraNAmbujamula (lotus like feet)nE viDajAla (I can't leave)karuNAlavAla (oh treasure of mercy)I can't leave your lotus like feet Oh treasure of mercy.


seetApatE (oh lord of sita)nApai (towards me, in this context)neekabhimAnamu lEdA (neeku abhimAnamu lEdA = don't you have affection)vAtAtmajArchita (vAtAtmaja arcita = worshipped by Hanuman, the half-monkey half-man devotee of Rama)pAdA (feet)nA (my)moralanu (lamentation)vinarAdA (can't you hear)Oh, lord of sita, don't you have any affection towards me? Oh, the one whose feet were worshipped by Hanuman, why don't you listen to my lamentation?bhAsuramuga (gloriously)kari rAjunu (elephant king)brOcina (saved)vAsudEvuDavu (vishNu)neevu kadA (aren't you)Aren't you the vishNu who gloriously saved the elephant kind? (referring to "gajEndra mOksham")nA (my)pAtakamella (all sins)pOgoTTi (get rid of)gaTTiga (firmly)nA chEyi (my hand)paTTi (hold)viDuvaka (without leaving)Cleansing me of all my sins, and without leaving it, holding my hand firmly, who will save me, other than you?


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