NumPy Part-5 ||Final part||in telugu|| NumPy Tutorial ||Python for beginners

Описание к видео NumPy Part-5 ||Final part||in telugu|| NumPy Tutorial ||Python for beginners

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**Purpose**: Saves a single NumPy array to a binary file in `.npy` format.
**Usage**: `'filename.npy', array)`

**Purpose**: Saves multiple NumPy arrays to a single compressed `.npz` file.
**Usage**: `np.savez('filename.npz', array1=array1, array2=array2)`

**Purpose**: Loads arrays from `.npy` or `.npz` files.
For `.npy`: `array = np.load('filename.npy')`
For `.npz`: `data = np.load('filename.npz'); array1 = data['array1']`

**Purpose**: Saves a 1D or 2D array to a text file, with options for delimiters and formatting.
**Usage**: `np.savetxt('filename.txt', array, delimiter=',', fmt='%d')`

**Purpose**: Loads data from a text file into a NumPy array, assuming a consistent data format.
**Usage**: `array = np.loadtxt('filename.txt', delimiter=',')`

**Purpose**: Loads data from a text file with more flexibility for handling missing values, different data types, and more complex structures.
**Usage**: `array = np.genfromtxt('filename.txt', delimiter=',', missing_values='', filling_values=0)`

**``/`np.load`**: Work with binary files for efficient storage and retrieval of single arrays.
**`np.savez`/`np.load`**: Work with compressed binary files for multiple arrays.
**`np.savetxt`/`np.loadtxt`**: Work with text files for simple, human-readable storage of 1D or 2D arrays.
**`np.genfromtxt`**: Similar to `np.loadtxt`, but with added flexibility for handling missing data, various data types, and more complex file structures.


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