2 Energy Performance Indicators

Описание к видео 2 Energy Performance Indicators

Course "Sustainable Technology Solutions" at the Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld of the Trier University of Applied Sciences in the Bachelor degree program "Sustainable Business & Technology" in the fourth semester. The second topic is about energy performance indicators.

Also, this video is part of the course "Solar Energy" at the Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld of the Trier University of Applied Sciences in the Bachelor degree program "Renewable Energies" in the fourth semester. The ninth topic is about energy performance indicators and the performance ratio.

0:00 Energy Performance Indicators
1:23 Efficiency
4:37 Standard Load Profiles of Households
6:53 Standard Load Profiles by BDEW
8:54 Total Energy and Mean Power
11:03 Electric Power Generation 2019 in Germany
12:35 Full Load Hours and Peak Load Hours
15:35 Full Load Hours
18:53 Full Load Hours of Energy Production Systems in Germany 2019
21:22 Capacity Factor and Load Factor
23:26 Capacity Factor - Example
26:12 Capacity Factor of a PV System
29:12 Capacity Factor and Load Factor of a PV System
31:40 Demand Factor, Utilization Factor and Reserve Factor
33:55 Example: Calculation of Energy Indicators
43:50 Load Duration Curve
46:35 Sorted Load Duration Curve
48:42 Mean Normalized Load Duration Curve
51:58 Approximation of the Normalized Load Duration Curve
56:28 Diversity Factor
60:51 Temporal Availability
63:35 Technical Availability
67:02 Technical Availability of a PV System


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