What to expect of Islam ... The Caliphate ᴴᴰ ┇ What they dont want you to know !┇

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What to expect of Islam ... The Caliphate ᴴᴰ ┇ Thought Provoking ┇ The worlds strongest army strongest economy┇
The Caliphate is Coming! Lyrics:

Eric you've been warning of something called a new Islamic Caliphate,
What is that? and why do you believe it's closer to becoming a reality?
This is a term that every one of our viewers need to know,
Because they're going to be hearing it more and more in the months to come,
What the Islamic caliphate is, is basically a union if you could imagine it,
of every Islamic nation into one all powerful, military, economic, political force.
Now there's some 57 Islamic nations of the world so you can imagine how strong this (so called) caliphate would be, the last time we saw it was in 1924 it was disbanded back then, the Turkish ottoman empire, led the last caliphate.

The army of the khilafah was undefeatable, they could not understand, the crusaders when they go to fight the khilafah Even the Christians who live in the khilafah are fighting the crusaders, they can not understand this, "our own brothers in religion the Christians.." are fighting for the khilafah they could not understand that power,

As Allah (swt) said in the Quran, we have left nothing out of this book, it has come to deal with every single matter! But the kuffar, they worked hard to Separate the deen from the state The British destroyed the khilafah with the help of mustafa Kemal (Ata Turk) the British government were worked tirelessly to destroy the khilafah. And they work tirelessly today to prevent its return. And the British they came to the treaty of Lausanne, and they said we have four conditions we are going to recognise the independents of turkey, but there are 4 conditions, destroy the khilafah, not only that expel the Caliph not only that ... seize his Property that's just condition one, condition number two turkey must promise to suppress any movement undertaken by the supporters of the khilafah, They are doing that today, number three turkey must cut her link with Islam number four turkey must have a secular constitution and must not have a constitution derived from the rules of Islam

The term caliphate, "dominion of a caliph ('successor')" (from the Arabic خلافة or khilāfah), refers to the first system of government established in Islam and represented the leaders unity of the Muslim Ummah (community).

Video Courtesy of The Merciful Servant
What have the british and the world superpowers hid from you..

The Islamic Golden Age is a historical period lasting from c. 750 CE to c. 1257 CE, during which philosophers, scientists and engineers of the Islamic world are credited with a period of contribution to scientific knowledge, cultural arts, civilisation and architecture, both by developing earlier traditions and by a period of relatively rapid and marked innovation. A substantial degree of historic Islamic intellectual innovation occurred in the Islamic Golden age, and it was this which helped to bring Europe out of the dark ages and brought about the resonance (rebirth) of Europe, Islam brought the light back into a world of darkness.

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