6 Teknik pou vini RICH, pou vini Milione

Описание к видео 6 Teknik pou vini RICH, pou vini Milione

1- Travay, Jenere Kob
2- Fe Ekonomi (kob ki antre - kob ou depanse)
3- Depanse mwens ke ou antre
4 - Budget (konn kote kob ou ale)
5- Pran responsabilite'w

You can visit our website all year long and DONATE anytime

Toys For The Poor Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization (501(c) 3, has been serving our local community for over fourteen years.

During those years, our organization has grown tremendously, and our mission has expanded as well because of the needs and the demands of our growing community.

Every year, we perform 3 critical services during the most financially stressful period for low-income families:

• A back to school in Haiti and in South Florida during the beginning of August for the US and during the first week of September for Haiti
•• A turkey drive for Thanksgiving (usually on the weekend before Thanksgiving Day)
••• Last but not least, our Community Outreach Christmas Toy Drive in the month of December.

• In our back to school, we provide 2500 backpacks, full of school supplies for the needy children of Haiti.

•• For the Thanksgiving Turkey Distribution, we give out 1000 turkeys to kids in the North Miami and Miami area and their parents.

••• For Christmas, Toys For The Poor Foundation Christmas Toy Drive "Puts a smile on a every child attendee's face". To that end, we distribute 2500 to 5000 toys to the less fortunate children in our local Miami area community and in Haiti.


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