Paripalaya - Reetigaula - Naturally performed traditional pooja by Saint Tyagaraja

Описание к видео Paripalaya - Reetigaula - Naturally performed traditional pooja by Saint Tyagaraja

Saint Tyagaraja composed a number of mānasa pooja songs, celebrating mystical inner worship without objects.

Déhó dévālayah próktah., a Sanskrit injunction goes, “The human body is to be treated as the temple of God”. The vidhīs or the rituals are orthodox rules prescribed by the Védās and they are interestingly juxtaposed to the spontaneous subtle worship of the bhakta in this immortal composition – Paripāla in the rāga Rītigaula from Divya nāma sankeertana.

Here is an English translation of the song by William J Jackson (Ref : Tyagaraja – Life and Lyrics)

Keep watch over me, watch over me, watch me, Raghunātha || P||

May this very body be a worthy place for you to take up as your home ||1||

May my firmed-up mind be your excellent alter of gold
Look out for me, keep watch over me, keep me safe, Raghunātha ! ||2||

May my contemplation of your holy feet be celestial Ganges water ||3||

May – O saviour of the devoted elephant – my love be your auspicious vesture,
Take care of me, be my guardian, watch over me, Raghunātha ! ||4||

May my singing of your greatness’ praises be your fragrant perfume ||5||

May my remembrance of the Lord’s name be my flower offering to you,
Watch over me, will you watch over me, Raghunātha ! ||6||

May the fruits of my misdeeds burning be your incense smoke wafting ||7||

May my devotion to your lotus feet be your everlasting lamp
Take care of me, guard me well, protect me, O Raghunātha ! ||8||

Let your food offering consist of my holy worship’s fruit || 9||

Of my endless inner delight may your paan-leaf and betelnut be formed
Look out for me, keep watch over me, keep me safe Raghunātha ! ||10||

May the auspicious cluster-lamp be formed of beholding you ||11||

This traditional puja by Tyāgarāja is naturally performed
Keep watch over me, and guard me well, protect me, Raghunātha ! ||12||

Dr. Mangalampalli Balamuralikrishna, mirroring the mind of Saint Tyāgarāja renders this beautiful and meditative composition here.

This recording is from the evening of his life and we present the same here for the sacred purpose of posterity.


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