Nano One’s Dan Blondal with Chris Thompson on decarbonizing the battery materials supply chain

Описание к видео Nano One’s Dan Blondal with Chris Thompson on decarbonizing the battery materials supply chain

In a recent InvestorIntel interview, Chris Thompson spoke with Dan Blondal, CEO, Director & Founder of Nano One Materials Corp. (TSX: NANO) about Nano One’s place in decarbonizing the battery materials supply chain and about the company’s product development collaboration with Euro Manganese and a global OEM automotive company.

In this InvestorIntel interview, which may also be viewed on YouTube (click here to subscribe to the InvestorIntel Channel), Dan Blondal said that Nano One’s patented technologies are used to make a wide range of the cathode materials used in batteries for electric vehicles, energy storage, and for consumer electronics. Dan also provided an update on Nano One’s One-Pot process, which increases the energy density and durability of lithium ion batteries, and how its M2CAM technology addresses supply chain complexities while reducing costs and carbon footprint.

About Nano One Materials Corp.

Nano One Materials Corp (Nano One) is a clean technology company with a patented, scalable and low carbon intensity industrial process for the low-cost production of high-performance lithium-ion battery cathode materials. The technology is applicable to electric vehicle, energy storage, consumer electronic and next generation batteries in the global push for a zero-emission future. Nano One’s One-Pot process, its coated nanocrystal materials, and its Metal to Cathode Active Material (M2CAM) technologies address fundamental performance needs and supply chain constraints while reducing costs and carbon footprint. Nano One has received funding from various government programs and its current “Scaling of Advanced Battery Materials Project” is supported by Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) and the Innovative Clean Energy (ICE) Fund of the Province of British Columbia.

Disclaimer: Nano One Materials Corp. is an advertorial member of InvestorIntel Corp.

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#NanoOne #BatteryMaterials #Cathode


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