Episode 11/13: Chiral-induced Spin Selectivity // A Course on Abiogenesis by Dr. James Tour

Описание к видео Episode 11/13: Chiral-induced Spin Selectivity // A Course on Abiogenesis by Dr. James Tour

In this episode, Dr. James Tour analyzes a false claim of molecular homochiral evolution, asking, in one example, how proteins could become homochiral when no prebiotically relevant route has been shown to synthesize, separate, or polymerize homochiral amino acids. Furthermore, a discussion on the possibility of racemic molecules in cells takes place. Finally, the amazing phenomenon of chiral-induced spin selectivity (CISS) is introduced, and Dr. Tour shows us how this enables the cell to be the amazing efficient machine that it is.

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Links in this Series | Addressing Abiogenesis & Common Misconceptions
Series Trailer:    • Illuminating the Fog Masking Life's O...  
0 - Reasons for this Series:    • Episode 0/13: Reasons // A Course on ...  
1 - Introduction to Abiogenesis:    • Episode 1/13: Introduction to Abiogen...  
2 - Primordial Soup:    • Episode 2/13: Primordial Soup // A Co...  
3 - Hype:    • Episode 3/13: Hype // A Course on Abi...  
4 - Homochirality:    • Episode 4/13: Homochirality // A Cour...  
5 - Carbohydrates:    • Episode 5/13: Carbohydrates // A Cour...  
6 - Building Blocks of Building Blocks:    • Episode 5/13: Carbohydrates // A Cour...  
7 - Peptides:    • Episode 7/13: Peptides // A Course on...  
8 - Nucleotides:    • Episode 8/13: Nucleotides // A Course...  
9 - Intermediate Summary & a Call to Colleagues:    • Episode 9/13: Intermediate Summary //...  
10 - Lipids:    • Episode 10/13: Lipids // A Course on ...  
11 - Chiral-induced Spin Selectivity:    • Episode 11/13: Chiral-induced Spin Se...  
12.1 - Cell Construction & The Assembly Problem, Part 1:    • Episode 12.1/13: Cell Construction & ...  
12.2 - Cell Construction & The Assembly Problem, Part 2:    • Episode 12.2/13: Cell Construction & ...  
13 - Summary & Projections:    • Episode 13/13: Summary & Projections ...  

Link to the cited video ("Elucidating the Agenda of James Tour: A Defense of Abiogenesis") can be found in the video description of Episode 0 - "Reasons for this Series" here:    • Episode 0/13: Reasons // A Course on ...  

The passionate thumbnail for this video uses a still frame image taken from Dr. Tour's video on Flash Graphene when he says "any" in the phrase "any carbon source" at 0:12:    • Flash Graphene Changing the World  

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God bless you.

#Abiogenesis #JamesTour #OriginOfLife

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