Vanity Karma - Jayadvaita Swami

Описание к видео Vanity Karma - Jayadvaita Swami

On 6the February 2016, Jayadvaita Swami engaged close to 100 young people in a discussion about his new book, Vanity Karma. The discussion was hosted by youth leader Rupa Manohara Das, a corporate professional working in the city of London. Maharaja began by sharing a little about himself, explaining what compelled him to make the shift from being a liberal jewish practitioner to a committed Hare Krishna monk. Maharaja engaged with the audience throughout and happily took questions and comments as the talk progressed. The audience grew fond of Maharaja's own style - at times he would be abrupt and answer challenges with single sentences and at other times he would commit himself to longer explanations based on the person’s intellectual ability. Maharaja drew the similarities between Kohelet’s life questions and our own struggles to understand our true purpose. But the one thing the author of Ecclesiastes failed on was to question ‘who he was’, something Maharaja explained the Bhagavad Gita does. Maharaja went on to describe the limitations of this part of the Old Testament and in turn proved Bhagavad Gita to be the universal book of knowledge. The discussion ended in more questions from the lively audience covering sociology, religious comparison and the search for happiness.

Why am I here? What is my life for? What—if anything—does it mean?

Ecclesiastes, “the strangest book in the Bible,” begins with the argument that our life on earth is pointless, that we spend it working hard for “vanity,” for nothing better than vapor—and then die and disappear into oblivion.

In the 1960s the themes of Ecclesiastes profoundly moved a young Jewish American boy, starting him on a quest for meaning that led him to the Bhagavad-gita, India’s preeminent book of wisdom. Today, after following the teachings of the Gita for more than forty-five years, that young boy, now old and wiser, looks deep into Ecclesiastes again.

His thoughts and reflections, along with his modern English rendering of the full text of Ecclesiastes, make Vanity Karma valuable for the seeker, for the scholar, and for anyone serious about “the big questions” in life.

The Alumni 10.0 Presents a Special interview with HH Jayadavaita Swami based on the meaning of life and his new book, 'Vanity Karma'.

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