How to make a Shrimp Pump!

Описание к видео How to make a Shrimp Pump!

#bodega #ghost shrimp #mud shrimp #catching bait

hey everyone thank you for watching another one of my videos I have been asked were I get my shrimp pumps and if I make make them and if I will sell them. l do make them and no I don't sell them I want to teach people to make them. I have made a hand full of them and have found some different ways to make them better and I'm going to show everyone how to make the best one that works the best and last the longest and is the easiest way to build one. I hope that this video helps everyone make a great shrimp pump that will catch everyone bait for many years if you have any questions or comments please leave them. Thank you for watching please like, share, and subscribe and tight lines till next time!


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