Translator & Well-being - English ↔ Romanian Translator Ioana-Leda Costea

Описание к видео Translator & Well-being - English ↔ Romanian Translator Ioana-Leda Costea

Today, I interviewed Leda from Romania who has an MA in translation and affection toward literary (and reading, of course!), practicing meditation for emotionally and mentally more balanced life. As translation requires much of your concentration, it is sometimes challenging for us to remain relaxed when your focus mode goes on and I think Leda has a great point taking good care of yourself in terms of that. Thank you again, Leda, for your authentic opinions and greatly useful tips. Hope (I'm sure) everyone would enjoy watching it too!

Best, Jane

Leda's LinkedIn page:
  / ioana-leda-costea  


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