3 Texts Your Ex Will Send You (And How To Reply)

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--------------3 Texts Your Ex Will Send You----------
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How do I know this? It's not because I'm psychic, even though that would be awesome and really useful. But no, I'm not psychic… I know that your ex is probably going to send you one of these 3 texts because I've spent the past ten years of my life coaching thousands of clients, helping them win back their ex or get through a rough breakup. And on a daily basis, I'll have at least a few of my coaching clients tell me, "Brad, my ex sent me this text today, what should I do?"

Ex Text #1: The Validation-Seeking Trap Message
"Why are you ignoring me?"
"Why are you acting so weird lately?"
"So do you not want to talk to me anymore or what?"

First of all, if you've already started applying my No Contact rule, then there's a good chance you've already got a message like this from your ex. If not, don't panic, that doesn't mean you're doing it wrong or you've got no chance of ever getting your ex back. But if you have got a text like this, it's an excellent sign that No Contact is having the intended effect. Even if you're not currently in a period of No Contact, and your ex sends you something like this, it's usually a relatively positive indication that they're missing you to some degree.

So, please do not fall for this trap, folks… recognize this message for what it is when you receive it, and DO NOT… I repeat, DO NOT…. respond immediately, regardless of how badly you may want to. It doesn't matter if you feel terrible for ignoring your ex, and you're desperate to respond to tell them, "no, I'm still here, I'm sorry!"... it's extreeeemely unlikely that waiting 6 or 8 hours before responding will cause any negative repercussions. So please, do NOT reply to this kind of message immediately… take at least a few hours to clear your head and make a well-thought-out decision as to how to respond.

Let's move on to another common text you're likely to receive at some point….

Ex Text #2: The "Check-In" Text Message.
"hey, how's it going?"
"what are you up to?"
"How are you doing?"

Ahhh yes, the "Pointless text"... or as I call it, the "Check-In" text. I bet you've probably received something like this already, haven't you? It might've said just, "hey" or "hi"... it might be a "sup?" or "hey, what's new?" type question… but really, I'd consider any meaningless text like this where your ex is just asking something really generic like "what are you up to" to be a "check-in" text.

How do you reply? Actually, for this type of message, it's a lot easier to give you some clear advice… if you're currently employing No Contact, if it's only been a week or two since the breakup, or if you've spoken to your ex fairly recently…. If any of those things describe your situation, then don't reply. Just don't bother to respond at all. There's no need, and it's almost always going to do more harm than good if you reply. So, just ignore this kind of message altogether, and that's probably going to be the best way for 90% of you watching to deal with this sort of "Check-in" text.

Ex Text #3: The "Temptation" Text
"I miss you"
"I think about you a lot"
"I really miss doing ____ with you"
"I wish you were here right now"

Ok, the final text -- I don't really know what to call this kind of text to be honest, maybe you guys can come up with some kind of clever name for it -- but basically this is any kind of message where your ex is saying things like, "I miss you" or "I wish you were here" or "I still think about you all the time".... Anything like that would qualify. If your ex sends you a text and your heart skips a beat when you read it -- and I mean, skips a beat with excitement -- then that's a damn good sign that you've just received one of these 'temptation' texts.

Or that's even pretty long, so you could just say, "Yeah, I miss you too, breakups suck. Hope you're doing well."

But, having watched this video, I hope that you'll be feeling more confident and that you'll be able to use these kinds of text messages -- which your ex is really very likely to send you at some point -- to your advantage. Remember to take a step back before you reply to any messages from your ex, make sure you stay rational and stick to the game plan, and sign up for my 1-on-1 coaching if you need personalized advice to handle an unusual scenario or situation. Either way, I'll be rooting for you… and of course as always, leave your questions suggestions and marriage proposals in the comments below the video, I look forward to reading them all soon. Thanks for watching!


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