Two Epitaphs: homage to Mikis Theodorakis

Описание к видео Two Epitaphs: homage to Mikis Theodorakis

When I recorded the two Epitaphs (Epitafios) this past June, Mikis Theodorakis was still alive.
Today, September 3d is no longer with us. He left us yesterday.

His songs for me are my grandfather's smile when he was telling me his Makronisos stories, when he was in exile with Mikis for years and years.
His songs are the sound and the perfumes of my childhood; the very reason I ever wanted to play the guitar.
His music is the quintessence of the concept of freedom and of higher ideals and has helped me shape who I am today!

Αιωνια και δοξασμενη του η μνημη.

Excerpt from the "Freedom" Concert, recorded for the Boston Guitar Festival on June 2021,
Guitar: "La Boda" 1989, Jose Luis Romanillos
Audio and Video Engineer: Cedric Honings
Kaizerszaal in Sint Truiden, Belgium


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