How vaping changed your life? Powerful testimonial from former smoker

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We often hear from many former smokers how their lives have changed since they switched to less harmful alternatives. From weeks or months results to years of staying smoke-free thanks to vaping or similar nicotine-containing products has become an undisputed evidence that harm reduction is the most effective strategy to quitting smoking and saving millions of lives.

This is a story of one of hundreds of thousands of former smokers who quit combustible cigarettes and are helping others change their lives as well. "Up until recently, I never heard of an issue with vaping. You would think that in 12 years I would be seeing some signs. I haven't. I've served many customers over the years who have gotten off smoking on to the vapes. They've shown me before and after pictures of their lungs. Massive difference in their lungs. And that's happened a lot of times," is a testimony of a former smoker and a vape shop owner.

Vaping saves lives. Has it changed yours? Tell us in the comments.


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