10 Min Morning Meditation ➤ Open Your Heart To The Blessings Of A New Day ☀️

Описание к видео 10 Min Morning Meditation ➤ Open Your Heart To The Blessings Of A New Day ☀️

This ten-minute guided morning meditation is the best way to increase positive energy, happiness, and peace to start your morning perfectly and ensure the best possible day to come.

When you begin your day with a mindfulness practice, you are setting a powerful intention to actively pursue a better day moving forward...

This meditation will help you clear your mind and clean out any blockages that might be weighing you down. It will also align your energies and set the stage for abundance, love, and a heartfelt consciousness to thrive.

"You are the universe, expressing itself as a human for a little while." - Eckhart Tolle

Instructor: Juliana Spicoluk
Location: Vancouver Island, Canada

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