Wootton Fitzpaine, St Paul's

Описание к видео Wootton Fitzpaine, St Paul's

The parish church of Wootton Fitzpaine has no known dedication although references have been found to it being St Paul at one time, there is none at present known. The church is tucked away behind Wootton House in its grounds and almost invisible from the public highway. The church is as Pevsner puts it "Much pulled about" indicating the heavy restoration to which it has been inflicted. The church has rather a rather old history the earliest parts (the central tower) being from the Early English period shortly after the Norman conquest, there are portions in the Decorated style and others in Perpendicular indicating additions and changes over the centuries. However all is overlaid by the attentions of the Victorians who laid their heavy hands upon the building. The church is hemmed in by estate buildings and tall trees making it a difficult one to photograph satisfactorily.

More information on wikipedia.


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