Dependency Hell, Monorepos and beyond

Описание к видео Dependency Hell, Monorepos and beyond

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Dependency hell. Two words that many software engineers know and loathe. Unfortunately, Netflix engineers are not immune to the cost of dependency hell. Library owners publish new versions of their code without a comprehensive understand of the organizational impact. Application owners ingest new library versions that can fail in obvious or subtle ways, leading to decreased confidence and slower organizational velocity. In this talk, Mike McGarr (Manager, Developer Productivity at Netflix) will talk about the challenges of shared code, dependency hell and some existing solutions. He will then share the approach that Netflix is moving towards to decrease the cost of dependency hell.

Mike McGarr is the Engineering Manager for the Netflix Developer Productivity team. He is also a co-host of the Ship Show Podcast. He has been developing Java/JVM-based applications for most of his career and been known to dabble in other languages as well. He is passionate about building quality software through automation. Mike can frequently be found talking about Agile, Continuous Delivery, DevOps, or build and test automation. Prior to joining Netflix, Mike was the Director of DevOps at Blackboard and the founder of the DC Continuous Delivery meetup.


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