[Quick Guide] The Fremennik Trials

Описание к видео [Quick Guide] The Fremennik Trials

items needed:
5250 coins
raw shark, manta ray or sea turtle
if not killing the cb48: any axe, knife

3 stamina pots with weight reducing clothing
food and weapon to kill a solely melee using cb 69 undead with max hit of 7 but has very high ranged defense
food and potions to defeat a warrior while being naked. Bring 2rings of recoil can be helpful
an event rpg, dramen branch + knife or clue caskets to smuggle weapons and armor into a fight which you suppose to do naked
7 empty invent slots
food and weapon to kill the cb 48 for that 1/17 drop if you’d wish to do it that, but I’m not going to because that will take longer on average

2 Rellekka slayer cave (AJR)
4 Rellekka
1 Seers village
1 any bank

Quests: /
skills: / if you will be killing a cb 48 for a 1/17 drop
25 fletch, 40 wc and craft if not

0:00 - Intro
2:30 - Start Manni, Olaf, Sigli
4:40 - Getting lyre
7:47 - Poison salesman and stringing+enchanting lyre
9:55 - Strange object and Draugen
11:57 - Finish Manni, Olaf, Sigli
13:38 - Swensen
14:37 - Sigmund
22:33 - Thorvald (naked fight)
29:11 - Peer the seer (naked puzzle)
33:58 - End

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Old School Runescape 2007 2007scape quest


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