"May the Long Time Sun Shine Upon You" - "Neka slunzeto te osveti" (Нека слънцето те освети)

Описание к видео "May the Long Time Sun Shine Upon You" - "Neka slunzeto te osveti" (Нека слънцето те освети)

"Neka slunzeto te osveti" - "May the Long Time Sun Shine Upon You" /the first bulgarian mantra/. Music and text - Ivan Varbanov; Singers: Ivan Varbanov & Johanna-Izabella;
Project idea - Nelly Coneway; Sound- Dimitar Atanasov SingSong Studio; Producer - Ivan Varbanov. Copyright © 2015, All Rights Reserved.

What is “Sat Nam“?
"Sat" means Truth and "Nam" means Name. You could translate it as True Name or Truth is my name. It is a way of acknowledging that at our essence is the Essence. The “Truth”, which is bigger than any human truth, isn’t a matter of right or wrong or even a concept that we can clearly articulate. It is simply an acknowledgement that the Great Mystery is who we are.
As a greeting, saying “Sat Nam” is a bit like saying “I see your true nature” or “I recognize the divinity within you”.


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