MGSV: Phantom Pain - Trick S-Rank: Mission 30 Skull Face - Episode 30 Secrets

Описание к видео MGSV: Phantom Pain - Trick S-Rank: Mission 30 Skull Face - Episode 30 Secrets

Fastest S-Rank for Episode 30: Skull Face in game Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Use this secret trick technique to quickly get S-Rank on this mission 30 that normally requires lots of time taking down enemies. By following the trick seen in the video, you can pass this mission extremely quick and get your S-Rank. Requirements are that you have the Parasite Suit and at least two Parasite Cartridge of type Armor. You can get the latter by extracting Skull Soldier [Armor] type.

Complete series of secrets and easter egg walkthrough for PlayStation 4 version of MGSV: Phantom Pain.

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