Sadegh was fired from the car wash and Amir bought oak from the factory

Описание к видео Sadegh was fired from the car wash and Amir bought oak from the factory

Hello friends, welcome to our channel. In this video, at the beginning of another day, Elham was watering the trees, when suddenly a police officer came to Elham's house, then when he got home, he called Elham Abbas, then with a small greeting, Abbas Chador. He showed Sadiq to the officer and said: Captain, this is Sadouq's tent, so go and arrest him, but the officer said to Abbas: I don't have a warrant to arrest Sadiq, I just brought him an Akhtarba, show it to me. His tent, then when Abbas and the officer went to Sadiq, Sadiq Chamosh wanted to run away, but when he saw that only one officer had come alone, he decided not to run away, Mamo let Sadiq go and went ahead. From them also, after Sadiq saw the warning, he got a little upset and told Ilham, I can live with you again, but Ilham didn't believe his lies, he didn't believe, then Sadiq got on his motorcycle and went to get a lawyer. He left the city. But when he arrived at the lawyer's house, the lawyer was not there, Sadouq was upset. He got on the motorcycle again and went to the city to buy food. At the same time Elham prepared delicious food for his children, then Abbas watered all the seedlings again. Likewise, when Sadeq returned from the city, he had bought a ton of fish for himself. Then, by collecting firewood, he was able to light a fire and prepare food for himself. Then, at the same time, Abbas said goodbye to Elham and said that he wants to go to the city by car to work in a fruit shop. Selling cars to earn money, he also asked Elham to take care of the children and left them. Meanwhile, Sadouq stayed with Elham and the children. Stay with us until the end of this video. The rest of this video will be played at 16:00

Farar Sadiq #warning #detention #dowry #cooperation #complaint #collecting firewood #worker #cooking food #mountains #nature #bazaar #lawyer #job #searching for a lawyer #deadline #farm #officer #police #law #


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