These Discord Features will be Controversial...

Описание к видео These Discord Features will be Controversial...

Two experimental Discord features, message forwarding and recently online, are going to spark outrage and controversy. But is this hoopla even worth caring about? Well, it will change the behavior of those chronically online Discord moderators.

Will it encourage people to go outside? no.... lol idk what you were thinking. These two experimental Discord features will probably lead to more toxicity on Discord.

Stalking to see when your friend goes offline after they ignore your DM, made easier with the Recently Online feature. And using Discord's built in snitch button (message forwarding) you can forward messages out of context and cause even more drama.

Discord Previews
  / discord  

Reddit Thread
  / discord_is_testing_a_recently_online_feature  

Discord Server
  / discord  

  / notexttospeech  

00:00 - Message Forwarding
01:34 - How is this Controversial?
03:48 - Recently Online
06:12 - But is this Actually Bad?


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