悉尼歌剧院 ,环形码头,皇家植物园。Sydney Opera House, Circular Quay , & Royal Botanic Garden.

Описание к видео 悉尼歌剧院 ,环形码头,皇家植物园。Sydney Opera House, Circular Quay , & Royal Botanic Garden.

这是2017 年9 月陪家人游悉尼环形码头,歌剧院,海港大桥和皇家植物园的一组照片。当时天气多云,不属于哪种灿烂的美。但依然令人留恋。🎉🎉🌹🌹👍
From the first time I set foot on Sydney's Circular Quay and saw the Sydney Opera House, I was struck by its beauty. I think this is the most beautiful harbour in the world. Every time I travel, I discover a different kind of beauty. the charm of which cannot be described. This is a set of photos taken with my family during a trip to Sydney's Circular Quay, Opera House, Harbor Bridge and Royal Botanic Garden. The weather was cloudy at that time. which was not kind of brilliant beauty, But it is still nostalgic.🌹🌹


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