Requirements to pass a Carpentry Skills Assessment

Описание к видео Requirements to pass a Carpentry Skills Assessment

In order to apply for any permanent work visa to Australia, you must first pass a skill assessment. The carpentry skill assessment is done through an organisation called Trades Recognition Australia.

Please note all information is general in nature and it is recommended you discuss your specific situation with a registered migration agent.

Relevant Links:
✔ Requirements to pass a carpentry skill assessment -
✔ The State Nomination – Subclass 190
✔ The Skilled Regional – Subclass 491 -
✔ Studying Carpentry in Aus -

A skills assessment is an assessment of your qualifications and previous work history to ensure you meet the Australian standards for your occupation. Having a skills assessment is a requirement for all permanent general skilled migration visas. These visas include Skilled Independent (Subclass 189) or State Nomination (Subclass 190), Skilled Work Regional (Subclass 491) or Permanent Employer-Sponsored (Subclass 186)

Passing a skill assessment is the first step in order to apply for any of these visas.

Who does the carpentry skills assessment?
Trades Recognition Australia (TRA) is the Skills Assessor that provides skill assessments for most trades from within Australia. It has been specified by The Australian Government to assess whether the applicant has the relevant skills to work as a carpenter in Australia.

This video explains the requirements to pass a skill assessment if:

- You have an overseas carpentry qualification

- You have obtained a qualification through Recognised Prior Learning.

- You obtain the qualification through studying Carpentry in Australia.

What documents will you need to provide?
In order to obtain a positive skills assessment you will most likely need to provide:

Educational Documentation

a full academic transcript or other documents that include the start and end date of your training, and details of the program of study
apprenticeship documents such as the contract of apprenticeship, journal or any other relevant document from your employer, governing body or training institution relating to your apprenticeship if applicable.

Work Experience Documentation:

In order to pass a carpentry skill assessment, you will need to demonstrate that you have previous work experience in the relevant occupation. In order to do this you must provide:

– Previous Letters of Reference from Employers
– Pay slips
– Employment Contracts
– Bank Statements
– Tax Assessments

If you have any questions about getting your skills assessed in Australia as a carpenter, please feel free to contact Pathway to Aus on:

E: [email protected]
P: +61 755 265 900
Skype: pathwaytoaus
Or enquire online


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