I Tested The MOST SPECTACULAR Relaxing Countdown Timer Methods from 10 to 0

Описание к видео I Tested The MOST SPECTACULAR Relaxing Countdown Timer Methods from 10 to 0

I summarized my relaxing 10 to 0 countdown timer numbers videos in this first episode. In this video I collected all my 10 to 0 videos and created a long one. All videos I have recorded myself with my camera and phone. After I edited them in Kdenlive, Audacity and Gimp.

Camera: Canon EOS 100D, Huawei phone

If you like it please like the video and also subscribe, thanks!

00:00 Tomatoes
01:00 Bananas
01:59 Crepe
02:59 Pizza
03:59 Fruits & Vegetables
04:59 Domino
05:43 Nougat Cream
06:51 Gummy Bear
07:55 Rubik's Cube
08:56 Fire
09:59 Beach
11:03 Domino II
12:03 Clock
13:07 Pencil Drawing
14:07 Ice Cubes
15:07 Pancake
16:08 Thank you for watching!

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#10to0 #numbers #countdown #timer


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