The Potential Of Open Source Intelligence - CyCon 2018

Описание к видео The Potential Of Open Source Intelligence - CyCon 2018

The NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE) organised its 10th International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon 2018) in Tallinn, on the theme of maximising effects in the cyber domain.

Phishing and social engineering attacks are often successful because of the extensive openly-available information online. Open source intelligence gathering has been in use since the early days of the digital age; as a method and tool, it becomes even more valuable as people and organisations share all kind of information publicly and online without assessing the potential security implications. This session will explore how mission critical or government aircraft traffic movements can be identified, and how freely available data can be used to strengthen our own cyber security.

1. FeedRank: A Tamper-resistant Method for the Ranking of Cyber Threat Intelligence Feeds, Mr. Roland Meier, PhD Student, ETH Zürich
2. Utilizing Air Traffic Communications for OSINT on State and Government Aircraft, Dr. Martin Strohmeier, Junior Research Fellow, University of Oxford
3. Supercharge your OSINT with Artificial Intelligence (LIVE DEMO), Mr. Andrea Melegari, Chief Marketing & Innovation Officer, CY4GATE

Moderator: Cpt. Roy Ragsdale, Research Scientist, Army Cyber Institute

*Note that some presentations were submitted and created in a personal capacity and are not necessarily affiliated with, nor representative of, the views of the speakers’ respective organisations*

The CCDCOE is a NATO-accredited cyber defence hub focusing on research, training and exercises. The international military organisation based in Estonia currently includes 21 nations providing a 360-degree look at cyber defence, with expertise in the areas of technology, strategy, operations and law.


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