How did they build Venice on water? The foundations from an engineering point of view

Описание к видео How did they build Venice on water? The foundations from an engineering point of view

Venice stands on water, resting on millions of wooden poles that have been stuck into the ground for over 1,000 years: that's why it almost seems to float on it. But how is this possible? How is the city supported? In this video we discover how Venice, built on a marshy and unstable environment, managed to become one of the most important cities in the world. To understand this we need to take a closer look at how the subsoil is made. We will discover the secret of its foundations, how its bridges were built, why the poles do not rot in the water and how the subsoil guarantees its stability.
00:00 Foundations of Venice: how they were built
00:55 The structure of the city's subsoil
01:32 Wooden poles in the ground: use and structure
03:00 How many poles are there under Venice?
03:43 The poles of Venice are not immersed in water, that's why they don't rot
05:08 Brick alteration: causes and consequences

#venice #geopop #engineering


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