Graduate School of Arts and Sciences 2020 Graduation Recognition Ceremony

Описание к видео Graduate School of Arts and Sciences 2020 Graduation Recognition Ceremony

Dean Emma Dench will provide remarks and recognize the four alumni recipients of the GSAS Centennial Medal, Dean for Student Affairs Garth McCavana PhD ’90, will emcee the program and introduce the 2020 Commencement Marshals, including Blakely Bussie O’Connor PhD ’20, who will speak on behalf of the graduates. November 2019, March 2020, and May 2020 degree recipients will be celebrated and individual participating graduates will be recognized with their name read aloud and projected alongside submitted photos. Graduates will be called in alphabetical order within each program, the program order is as follows:

African and African American Studies - 17:57
Anthropology - 18:15
Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Urban Planning - 18:38
Astronomy - 18:50
Biological Sciences in Dental Medicine - 19:10
Biological Sciences in Public Health - 19:22
Population Health Sciences - 19:43
Biophysics - 20:29
Biostatistics - 20:47
Business Economics - 21:17
Celtic Languages and Literatures - 21:41
Chemical Biology - 21:55
Chemical Physics - 22:23
Chemistry and Chemical Biology - 22:35
The Classics - 23:06
Comparative Literature - 23:31
Earth and Planetary Sciences - 23:47
Regional Studies - East Asia - 24:19
East Asian Languages and Civilizations - 25:23
Economics - 25:52
Education - 26:41
Engineering and Applied Sciences - 27:27
English - 33:28
Germanic Languages and Literatures - 33:51
Government - 34:01
Health Policy - 34:43
History - 35:22
History of Art and Architecture - 36:00
History of Science - 36:32
Human Evolutionary Biology - 36:42
Mathematics - 36:57
Medical Sciences - 37:20
Middle Eastern Studies - 41:24
Molecular and Cellular Biology - 42:01
Music - 42:58
Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations - 43:17
Organismic and Evolutionary Biology - 43:32
Philosophy - 44:11
Physics - 44:25
Psychology - 45:31
Public Policy - 46:03
Regional Studies - Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia - 46:36
Religion - 47:20
Romance Languages and Literatures - 47:49
Social Policy - 48:20
Sociology - 48:43
South Asian Studies - 48:51
Statistics - 49:09
Systems Biology - 49:39
Systems, Synthetic, and Quantitative Biology - 50:03


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