wood carving & painting of alebrijes - Oaxaca, Mexico

Описание к видео wood carving & painting of alebrijes - Oaxaca, Mexico

The alebrijes are made from carved copal wood and hand painted with complex patterns. The brightly colored folk art sculptures depicting fantastical creatures are a popular handicraft made in the valley surrounding Oaxaca.

The alebrijes range from small coffee-cup sized pieces to major table top museum quality sculptures, and are designed as recognizable animals, including rabbits, lizards, coyotes and bulls. Others are fanciful creatures, like devils and dragons. All are cleverly carved and intricately painted with a multitude of bright and vivid natural pigments colors.

Here at the workshop of Jacobo and Maria Angeles in San Martin Tilcajete located in Oaxaca, Mexico a large courtyard introduces the artists craving and painting under the shade of lush Copal branches. There are shelves filled with carved, but unpainted, animals, figures and fantasy creatures, and tables where dozens of artists prep and paint the carvings. Adjacent is a large showroom filled with finished artwork for sale.

Increíblemente talladas y alebrijes de madera intrincadamente pintadas son una artesanía popular en el valle de los alrededores de Oaxaca.

Los alebrijes van desde pequeños pedazos del tamaño de la taza de café a la mesa de las principales top esculturas dignas de un museo, y están diseñados como animales reconocibles, incluyendo conejos, lagartos, coyotes y toros. Otros son criaturas imaginarias, como diablos y dragones. Todos están hábilmente talladas e intrincadamente pintadas con una multitud de colores brillantes y vivos.

Aquí en la tienda de la fábrica Angeles en San Martin Tilcajete un gran patio introduce el ansia artistas y la pintura bajo la sombra de las ramas Copal exuberantes. Hay estantes llenos de tallado, pero sin pintar, animales y criaturas de fantasía, mesas, donde decenas de artistas PREP y pintar las esculturas y una gran sala de exposición llena de obras de arte acabada para la venta.

video: Stephen Smith
music: Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.com
  / mycompasstv  


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