Centre filled Chocolates l Stuffed Chocolates l सेन्टर फिल्ड चॉकलेट्स l BYB Cooking

Описание к видео Centre filled Chocolates l Stuffed Chocolates l सेन्टर फिल्ड चॉकलेट्स l BYB Cooking

Hello friends ..... Thank you so much for watching my channel.... if you like my recipes please share with your family and friends... keep watching my channel... Thank you...


Milk compound chocolate - 200gr
White compound chocolate - 200gr
Peanut butter - 1/2 cup
Strawberry crush - 1/2 cup
Coconut powder - 1/2 cup
Condensed milk - 3 Tbs
Polo candy ( for mint flavour)


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