2 Minute Tomato Taste Test - Ananas Noire - Does the Flavor live up to its Beauty? #1

Описание к видео 2 Minute Tomato Taste Test - Ananas Noire - Does the Flavor live up to its Beauty? #1

For the month of January and a little bit beyond, I will be posting a short daily tomato taste test video. I grew over 80 varieties of tomato this past summer. I filmed taste tests of about half of them, to post now, when people are searching for information about the seeds they intend to buy in the coming weeks. Hoping that my efforts, while amateur, can be helpful. My Taste Scale is rated 1 to 5, 5 being strongest.

Most of the varieties include a Brix reading from a refractometer.

BRIX - measure of dissolved sugars. 1 degree BRIX = 1g sucrose per 100g measured liquid. Measured by a Refractometer tool. The BRIX measurement did not always correspond with how my palate registered sweetness. More of a fun tool, for me personally.

Bacterial Speck - Only impacts the skin, the damage does not move into the flesh, nor does it impact flavor. It's just really ugly.

I'd be happy to answer any tomato variety questions, if asked. Always thrilled to read a happy or helpful comment or even just a Like. I am glad you are here!



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