Top best Private Colleges for BPT || Entrance/Direct Admission in Best bpt college | Poornima Sharma

Описание к видео Top best Private Colleges for BPT || Entrance/Direct Admission in Best bpt college | Poornima Sharma

Top best Private Colleges for BPT || Entrance / Direct Admission in Best bpt colleges
#topprivatecollegesforbpt #entranceexamforbpt

Career options after 12th PCB :-
(Part 1)
   • 30+ best career Options after 12th cl...  

(Part 2)
   • 30+ best career Options after 12th cl...  

Tqsm ❤️ for clicking my video & also get time to read description 😊

🔵 Contact :-

1. Instagram :-
2. Facebook :-   / physio-aim-106308317987107  
3. Business :- [email protected]
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🔵 3 demo videos available free on youtube👇
1. All 206 bones in human body + axial & appendicular skeleton system    • All 206 bones in human | Axial & Appe...  

2. Developmental & Structural classification of bone    • Poornima Sharma | Bone classification...  

3. Radius Bone Anatomy with Practical
   • Poornima Sharma || Radius Bone Anatom...  

🔵Course duration is 3 month &
U 'll get notes +
Weekly test series +
Seperate Doubt Session

** upper limb - 1200/-
** Lower limb - 1200/-
** Head ,Thorax & Abdomen - 1200/-

Bt u can save 700/- by taking advantage of special OFFER 👇
** Pay one time fees 2900/- for 3 months

Payment method-
Google pay
Phone pay

Thank you 🫶

🔵Queries solve :-
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🔵Book for MPT prepration :-

🔵other videos:-

1. part 1 :- career options for 12th class PCB students --    • 30+ best career Options after 12th cl...  
2.Top - 10 best PHYSIOTHERAY Colleges / CET must (part-1) --    • Top-10 best PHYSIOTHERAPY Colleges in... Private physiotheray college in India, merit based selection (part - 1) :-    • Physiotheray TOP Private Colleges || ...  
4. Government College for BPT in India :-    • Top -10 Best BPT Government Colleges ...  
🔵check my playlist :-

1. What is the role of Physiotherapy in society :-    • Role of Physiotherapy in Society || |...  
2. Syllabus of BPT :-
   • Syllabus of BPT all 4 years | Which S...  
3. Books in PHYSIOTHERAPY :-
   • BPT 2nd year books | Best book for Ex...  
4. Government College for MPT in India :-
   • Top-10 Best government colleges of MP...  
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thn plz SUBSCRIBE my channel also

Thank you ❤️
Stay tuned

FAQ about me💕

Name - Poornima Sharma
Age - 21
Height - 5.4inches
State - UP
Study - Bachelor's of Physiotherapy
Year - Final year student
NOTE :- Everything in this video created by the owner i.e Poornima Sharma . kindly do not copy any pictures or part of video without my permission....
music :- copyright free music used in this video
#bptgovernmentcollegebyneet #physioaim


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