Interactive Data Visualizations with Makie.jl | Simon Danisch & Julius Krumbiegel | JuliaCon 2022

Описание к видео Interactive Data Visualizations with Makie.jl | Simon Danisch & Julius Krumbiegel | JuliaCon 2022

Makie.jl is a Julia-native interactive data visualization library. In this workshop, participants will learn how to create complex interactive and static plots, using the full range of tools Makie has to offer. Topics could include writing custom recipes, understanding the scene graph, mastering the layout system, handling complex observable structures and tweaking visual styles. The workshop will also be an opportunity to learn about the architecture and underlying ideas of Makie.

Make sure to register for JuliaCon to get access to all of the resources:

The participants will follow along while different small interactive visualization projects are coded live, showing how to go from idea to implementation.

The code for this workshop is available at

The documentation can currently be found at

View the Makie Blog for future developments

00:00 Welcome
00:31 Agenda
02:01 What is Makie
03:50 Sponsors and Funding Makie
09:33 Move to MakieOrg
12:39 Backends and Makie's Building Blocks
17:10 Scenes in Makie
19:04 Creating a Makie System Image with PackageCompiler.jl
24:39 Finding Documentation
36:59 Basic Building Blocks
48:00 Layouts
1:08:12 Theming
1:10:27 How Layouts Respond to Plot Decorations
1:18:27 Aspect Ratios
1:24:16 Break
1:29:27 Questions
1:32:20 Recipes
1:43:40 Interactions
2:04:25 Questions
2:08:59 Sizes and Units
2:20:02 Interactive App Example
2:38:45 Wrap Up and Final Questions

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