Hatch Beauchamp. St John the Baptist Church Somerset Includes a Hero from Rorke’s Drift in 1879

Описание к видео Hatch Beauchamp. St John the Baptist Church Somerset Includes a Hero from Rorke’s Drift in 1879

The church has a crenellated 3-stage tower from about 1500. It displays crocketed pinnacles, a pierced parapet with quatrefoils and arcades in the merlons and gargoyle. The church has diagonal buttresses to support the tower whereas, in other churches, angle buttresses are the norm. The buttresses, which finish in the belfry stage, support small detached shafts which rise upwards to form the outside subsidiary pinnacles of each corner cluster. On the stonework are hunky punks of dogs. The church was restored in the 19th century with extra bays being added to the north and south aisles by George Gilbert Scott in 1867.


The church includes a window dedicated to the memory of Colonel John Rouse Merriott Chard (1847–1897) who was an English soldier who won the Victoria Cross for his role in the defence of Rorke’s Drift in 1879


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