Motorcycle on a Ferry - HowToQuickGuide - Boarding

Описание к видео Motorcycle on a Ferry - HowToQuickGuide - Boarding

For those of you fellow Bikers, who want to feel more comfortable on your first ferry trip.
1. Always follow Ferry Crew guidelines and instructions.
2. Always wear a helmet while boarding (even if you were waiting on hot tarmac for couple of hours with direct sun) :-)
3. Place your motorcycle exactly where Ferry Crew will show you.
4. Leave it in 1st gear and on a side stand (central stand is less stable - believe it or not) :-)
5. Use straps provided to fasten your motorcycle (not all Ferries have these nice soft foams, so be prepared and have something to prevent hurting your seat) Sometimes there may also be special blockers provided to put under your wheels if instructed or expecting rough weather at Sea.
6. Always help you neighbor if in need :-)
7. Do not activate alarm in your motorcycle - Ferry movement may trigger it.
8. Get everything you need for a journey - you won't be able to access car deck (motorcycle) until arrival.
On short routes - small ferries - do not leave your bike unattended, especially in rough weather conditions (sea state) - physics of the waves can be tricky :-)


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