ABC Hindi | I Love Vegetables | Mujhe pasand hai sabziyan | Fun Kids songs | Acche Bache Channel

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Vegetables are super healthy and tasty, learn names of vegetables in Hindi with this fun vegetable song!
Enjoy this collection of nursery rhymes with your favorite characters, sing along and have a fun with Kent, Luke, Tim and Pego.

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3D Hindi Nursery Rhymes for Children :
Popular Nursery Rhymes in Hindi :

00:00 - I Love Vegetables
02:18 - The Fruits song
04:50 - Hush Little Baby
06:37 - Ice cream song
08:10 - It's Good To Play
10:28 - Johny Johny
12:15 - 10 in the bed
14:28 - 10 Little baby sharks
16:17 - 5 Little buses
18:27 - Bingo Dog song
20:32 - Brush your teeth
21:41 - Bunny Hop
23:28 Candy Candy song

About our channel :
Acche Bache Channel is a cheerful destination with colorful animation for all the happy babies of the world! Specially designed for kids as they explore the World of the Classic English songs, Phonics Songs, Lullabies and more! Come join us and meet, Kent the Elephant, Tim the Monkey, Luke the Lion and Pego the Pig from Acche Bache Channel.

अच्छे बच्चे चैनल दुनिया के सभी खुश बच्चों के लिए रंगीन एनीमेशन के साथ एक हंसमुख गंतव्य है! विशेष रूप से बच्चों के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया क्योंकि वे क्लासिक इंग्लिश गाने, फोएनिक्स सॉन्ग्स, लुलबीज और अधिक की दुनिया का पता लगाते हैं! हमारे साथ आएं और मिलें, केंट द एलिफेंट, टिम द बंदर, ल्यूक शेर और पेगो द पिग।


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